Generali is a leading global insurance company group based in Triesta, Italy. Since its inception nearly 200 years ago, it has expanded to more than 60 countries with a total income of more than 69.7 billion Euros and assets over 514.6 billion Euros in 2019. In addition, Generali has been ranked as one of the 50 most intelligent companies in the world based on the ranking of “50 Smartest Companies 2015” of MT Technology review.
Generali Thailand is part of this leading global insurance company. It was established in September 2002 with a partnership between Assicurazioni Generali and the Tantipiphat Phong Family Group. Today, Generali Thailand has become a successful and trusted insurance company in Thailand.
J-Dea’s project with Generali Thailand: Generali offers its customers the use of the Generali 365 app which provides customers with special privileges and useful online policy services. J-Dea partnered Generali to enable the Premium Reminder feature via the Generali 365 app to improve its online services to their customers. The Premium Reminder feature allows users to login and see their policy information, pay their premiums as well as view their payment history. Other features include the ability to send notifications to remind customers of their premium payment due dates.

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